
Activate Hiring Pipeline

After Adding Evaluation Steps , now you need to activate the pipeline. Then only you will be able to input candidates and start evaluating.

Please note that, after activating the pipeline you cannot add or remove evaluation stages in the pipeline. However, you can change the settings of available evaluation steps after activating the pipeline.

Follow these steps to Activate

  1. Make sure you have at least one evaluation stage added to the pipeline.
  2. Before Activating the Pipeline, you need to set some required configurations in the company account. Please Configure Mandotory Company Settings first. (If you have already done it, ignore this step)
  3. Then, Go to Hiring Pipelines tab (https://hiretrace.io/app/company/pipelines).
  4. Select and go to the pipeline you want to activate
  5. Click on the "Activate Now" link which is on top yellow color message box
  6. Then Click "Yes, Activate"

Now your pipeline is ready to evaluate candidates. Checkout this article on how to Input canidates to the Pipeline.