
Set Automated Emails in Hiring Pipelines

With HireTrace pipelines, you can automate sending Welcome Emails and Rejection Emails to candidates.

Automating Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are automatically sent to candidates immediately after they registered (inputted) to the pipeline. You can use this to give some information about the vacancy to the applied candidates while acknowledging that you have received their CVs. It will help to improve your company image and candidate experience during recruiting. Follow below steps to set automated Welcome emails.

  1. Make sure your company account has connected an email account (Office354 or Google). If not, please Connect Email via, Company Settings => Integrations
  2. Make sure you are in the edit mode of the selected hiring pipeline
  3. Click on the button with a Pencil Icon next to the label "Welcome Email"
  4. In the popup, enter an email subject
  5. Then enter the email body. In the email body, use {candidate_first_name} as a placeholder if you want to set the candidate first name. When HireTrace Send emails, it will replace that placeholder with the candidate's real first name automatically
  6. Click on the "Next" button
  7. Check the preview of the email
  8. If everything is correct, click on "Submit" button

Now the pipeline will automatically send welcome emails to new candidates using the connected company's email address.

Automating Rejection Emails

You can set rejection emails for each evaluation step. If a candidate gets rejected at an evaluation stage where the rejection emails are configured, the candidate will automatically receive the email notification.

  1. Make sure your company account has connected an email account (Office354 or Google). If not, please Connect Email via, Company Settings => Integrations
  2. Make sure you are in the edit mode of the selected hiring pipeline
  3. Make sure you have added at least one evaluation stage to the pipeline
  4. Click on the email icon with a cross (in each evaluation stage you will see this icon)
  5. In the popup, click on the "Is Email Template Active" toggle to activate it
  6. Enter an email subject
  7. Then enter the email body. In the email body, use {candidate_first_name} as a placeholder if you want to set the candidate first name. When HireTrace Send emails, it will replace that placeholder with the candidate's real first name automatically
  8. Click on the "Next" button
  9. Check the preview of the email
  10. If everything is correct, click on "Submit" button

Now the pipeline will automatically send rejection emails to candidates when they get rejected at that stage.